The Indiana Township Association, Inc. is a statewide, nonprofit organization established in 1891 to support Township Government in Indiana.
To secure for township officers and office holders full recognition and enjoyment of their rights to administer their responsibilities in a just and professional manner; to secure the tools necessary for them to fulfill their obligations as public servants; and to strengthen and extend our form of Township government in such a way as to provide to the citizens the services they are entitled.
Indiana has 1005 townships, of which 700+ are member townships of the ITA. Membership consists of entire townships which equates to an actual representation of more than 3000 elected officials. Each township has a trustee and three township board members (Marion County township boards have seven members) who are elected to serve four-year terms of office.
Township vary greatly from rural to urban or suburban. Township fees are based on the assessed value of townships and range from $100-$700 per year.

learning together for good government
The Indiana Township Association (ITA) offers opportunities each year for Trustees, their employees, Board Members, Attorneys and Fire Chiefs to be educated on all duties involved in governing townships.
Convention & Legislative Conference – This event focuses on our lobbying efforts at the Statehouse and conducting the business of the Association and is held each year while the General Assembly is in session. Attendees participate in educating our state legislators so they might better understand the duties and challenges you face each day.
Education Conference & Trade Show – Typically, more than twenty classes are offered during this multi-day event each Fall. This is the perfect opportunity for all township officials.
resource for information
One of the most valuable resources to our members is a full-time trained staff, ready to answer calls for assistance. Members also get access to our Members Only Section which has valuable resources and already developed templates. It also has previous year conference information, powerpoints, etc.

protecting township government
With the aid of professional lobbyists, the ITA has over the years achieved passage of legislation beneficial to township government. Perhaps more importantly, the ITA has prevented even more legislation that would be detrimental to townships and our constituents, including several attempts to totally eliminate township government.
If laws are proposed that affect township duties, members can communicate their views to the Legislative Committee which is responsible for proposing legislation to the ITA Board of Directors and then seeing it through the Session.